SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Market launch of our sm@rt 500 nanoindenter system. Small in design - big in performance.
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Micro controller controlled Humidity Controller for material science investigations
New: 200 mm automated vacuum chuck for the G200 nanoindenter allows measurement of the entire wafer surface under constant measurement conditions (frame stiffness)
SURFACE PLD Technology News Ticker:
New: Battery Workstation delivered to Cambridge University , GB. It combines three different physical coating processes with a glove box: PLD, sputtering, thermal evaporation and all on a single standard workstation system frame
New: Insitu- Beamline PLD System installed at Karlsruhe KIT allows unique thin film investigations in the synchrotron beam


3rd European Symposium

on nanomechanical testing


Preliminary Program


in the "Gründer und Service Zentrum Hückelhoven" in Hückelhoven / Germany


organized in collaboration with



17.09.2002 to 19.09.2002

The attendees of the 3rd symposium in front of the GSZH Hueckelhoven

Welcome reception and come together

Mr.Schmitz, the  mayor of Hueckelhoven and Dr. Steiner, General manager of the business development agency of the county  in discussion with attendees of the symposium. They joined us for the welcome session and demonstrated the interest of Hueckelhoven in this event.


Xiao-Dong Xiang, Ariel Technology Inc. Moraga CA. gave an overview about the combinatorial process technology in the nano technology and the new characterisation technique, the Evanescence Microwave Probe

Kathy Wahl ,  Naval Research Lab. Washington -- last year via video conference, this year live in Hueckelhoven

Neville Moody live via video conference from Sandia National Lab, Albuquerque,  moderation: Kathy Wahl

3 invited talks, 21 oral presentations and 9 poster has shown again the interest of the scientific community in this event in Hueckelhoven

The tradition goes on: the conference diner was again a contrast program to the scientific talks.
The cocktail reception in and around the historical oil mil,  sponsored from HYSITRON Inc,  was the opening of a evening with a lot of fun and entertainment

The live was hard in the middle age, the penalties was even harder...



We thank  all attendees for their contribution and invites everybody for the next meeting September 2003.
Please join us at the nanoMech 4

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Wednesday, 2025-03-12  05:39