SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Market launch of our sm@rt 500 nanoindenter system. Small in design - big in performance.
SURFACE nanometrology News Ticker:
New: Micro controller controlled Humidity Controller for material science investigations
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New: Battery Workstation delivered to Cambridge University , GB. It combines three different physical coating processes with a glove box: PLD, sputtering, thermal evaporation and all on a single standard workstation system frame
New: Insitu- Beamline PLD System installed at Karlsruhe KIT allows unique thin film investigations in the synchrotron beam


2nd European Symposium on nanomechanical testing


Preliminary Program


in the "Gründer und Service Zentrum Hückelhoven" in Hückelhoven / Germany


organized in collaboration with



25.09.2001 to 27.09.2001

Program Committee:
Prof. Peter Grau / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Prof. Lars Hultmann / University of LinkÆping / Sweden
Dr. Mathias Göken / Universität des Saarlandes
Dr. Steve Bull / University of Newcastle / UK
Dr. Ude Hangen / SURFACE


The Symposium follows up the European Symposium on nanomechanical testing in Hückelhoven 7 - 9 Nov 2000 where 12 European countries were represented. It is addressed to the growing european community of nanomechanical testing. The symposium covers the theory and practice of determining mechanical properties of materials with small diamond probes in the nanometer range.

Tuesday; 25.09.2001

6:00p.m. Welcome Reception

Wednesday; 26.09.2001

9:00a.m. Opening

Fundamentals I


Measurement of residual Stresses by nanoIndentation with Spherical Indenters
G. Pharr; G. Swadener and B. Taljat

Finite Element Simulations of Spherical Indenations in Elastic-perfectly-plastic materials
K.-Durst, M.Göken, J.G.Swadener, G.M.Pharr

An Effective Way to determine PVD coatings´ stress strain curves and residual stresses, through a FEM supported evaluation of nanoIndentation results
K.-D. Bouzakis, N. Michailidis, S.Hadjiyiannis, G. Erkens
10:50a.m. - 11:10a.m. Coffee-Break

The role of indenter geometry in energetic hardness concepts
B.Wolf & P.Paufler

Standardization of nanoIndentation


NanoIndentation: Recent developments and Activities
M.Griepentrog, U. Beck

Uncertainties in determining the zero of the depth scale in nanoIndentation experiments using an initial contact load prior to indentation
J. Meneve, T. Chudoba, W. Wegener, S. Kuypers, N. Gibson, N. Jennett

Development of a standard on hardness and Young´s modulus testing of thin coatings by nanoIndentation
K.Herrmann, N.Jennett, S.R.J. Saunders, J. Meneve, F. Pohlenz
12:50p.m. - 2:00p.m. Lunch

Fundamentals II

High Accuracy modelling of indentation data from pointed indentersT. Chudoba
Dislocation Nucleation at nanoIndentation
Grau, P., Lorenz, D.; Zeckzer, A.; Johansen, H.

Effect of phase boundaries on nanoIndentation measurements
T. Schoeberl, H.Gupta

Fracture Mechanics of Thermally Sprayed Metallic Coatings Charakterised by Edge Chipping and Normal Indentation Techniques in a Scanning Electron Microscope
N.Margadant, S.Stauss, J. Michler, S. Siegmann
3:40p.m. - 4:00p.m. Coffee-Break
4:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. Postersession
5:00p.m. - 5:50p.m.

Indentation Size Effects and Length Scales for PlasticityInvited
video conf.:William Nix

On the origins and modelling of the indentation size effect
S.J. Bull
7:30p.m. Shuttle to conference Dinner
8:00p.m Conference Dinner

Thursday; 27.09.2001

Thin films & nanoIndentation


Mechanical Strength of thin copper films measured by nanoIndentation, microbeam deflection and microtensile tests
R. Schwaiger & O. Kraft

Evaluation of Indentation Hardness and Youngs Modulus of thin sputtered CNx films
J. Neidhardt

Adhesion Strenght Characterization of thin films by nanoIndentation and nanoScratching Techniques
L. Berger, G. Bürkle, C. Ettl, H. J. Fecht

Acoustic Emission Monitoring of nanoIndentation
Daugela, H. Kutomi, N. Tymiak, O.Warren
10:40a.m. - 11:00a.m. Coffee-Break

Friction and Tribology


Beginning of Plastic Deformation in Sliding Contact on Carbon Overcoats
A. Wienss, M. Neuhäuser, C. Schug, H.- H. Schneider, J. Windeln

Comparison of wear behaviour of wear resistant coatings and scratch resistance determined with the TriboScope®
U. Hangen

In-situ observation of coating failure during scratch testing
J. den Toonder
12:15p.m. - 2:00p.m. Lunch

Dynamic Testing


Dynamic Mechanical Properties at the Nanoscale
Invited video conf.: Kathy Waal

The analysis of dynamic parameters of the probe oscillation at elastic-plastic nanoIndentation
V. Kovalev, S.A. Chikunov, Suslov, N.K. Myshkin

Bio and Polymersamples


Mechanical properties determined by nanoIndentation tests of - polypropylène modified by He particle implantation - epoxy matrixes modified by photo-oxidation effects
P.Dellobelle, C. Brun, L.Guillot

Nano-mechanical properties of thin polymer films
S.-A.Hayes; A. Gorruppa, F.R. Jones
4:05p.m. Farewell


Foto-Show of the 2nd European Symposium on nanomechanical testing


George Pharr (University of Tennessee) and the magic of science


William Nix (Stanford University) via video-conferencing-system


Kathy Wahl (Naval Research Lab) on the screen; lecture via video-conferencing-system


Conference Room


Postersession: Wednesday; 26.09.2001; 4:00p.m.-5:00p.m.

  1. Shape relaxation of Vickers indents evaluated by AFM P. Nagy
  2. Quality Management for Testing of Materials - Hardness Test Annual Verification, Periodic Check, estimation of Uncertainty T. Polzin
  3. On the orientation dependence of nanoIndentation Ch. Klueber, Y. Wang, Z.Zhao, F. Rothers, D. Raabe
  4. Deformation Curve of amorphous metallic alloy obtained by cyclic nanoIndentation S.N. Dub, N.V. Novikov, Yu V. Milman, A.N. Slipenyuk
  5. Anisotropy and hierarchical arrangement in mineralised collagen from calcifying leg tendons: a nanomechanical and structural investigation H.S. Gupta, T.Schöberl, P. Roschger, P. Fratzl
  6. How to measure elastic modulus, shear modulus and interfacial shear strength by AFM M. Troyon and O. Piétrement
  7. Tribological Properties of Fullerene-Like WS2 Nanoparticles L.Rapoport, V. Leshchinsky, M. Lvovsky, I.Lapsker, Yu Volovik, R. Tenne
  8. Applications of Dynamic Testing Techniques in nanoIndentation S. Dawns, O. Warren, A. Daugela
  9.  ......... ( Further contributions will be accepted to be presented during the Postersession )

General Information:

Hückelhoven is situated in the West of Germany closed to the dutch border. It is a small town which mainly was populated by miners before the last mine " Sophia-Jacoba" was closed some years ago. The Gründer und Service Zentrum (GSZH) was founded in order to establish companies that deal with advanced technologies in different fields. Its conference rooms are modern and well equipped.


The next airports are in Mönchengladbach (25km), Düsseldorf ( 55 km) and Cologne (75km). The railway station next to Hückelhoven is Baal. It is connected to the airports by bus and/or train. The most convenient connection from Baal to the hotel or to the Gründer und Service Zentrum (GSZH) is the cab.

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