SURFACE systems + technology GmbH & Co. KG
SURFACE nanometrology
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8th European Symposium on Nanomechanical Testing

September 3rd to 5th, 2007

in Hückelhoven / Germany

organized in collaboration with ultraduenne schichten

Program Committee

Dr. Erica Lilleodden / GKSS Geesthacht / Germany
Prof. George Pharr / University of Tennessee / USA
Prof. Mathias Göken / Universität Erlangen / Germany
Prof. Ralph Spolenak / Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich / CH
Prof. Steve Bull / University of Newcastle / UK
Dr. Holger Pfaff / SURFACE / Germany

The Symposium follows up the annual European Symposia on nanomechanical testing held in Hückelhoven from 2000 to 2006. It is addressed to the growing European community in this field, and is focused on the theory and practice of determining mechanical properties of materials with nanoindentation and other nano/micro scale testing techniques. The symposium will be held in English.

The special focus for nanomech 8 is:

“Across the scales:
Size effects and scaling phenomena in micro- and nano-mechanics”


We are delighted to announce Dr. M. Uchic (WPAFB Ohio), Dr. M. Oyen (University of Cambridge) and Professor A. Hartmaier (University of Erlangen) as our confirmed invited speakers.

Other topics include:

- Theoretical aspects of nanoindentation testing
- Testing techniques and relation to other methods
- Mechanics of polymers and biological materials
- Quantitative Scanning Probe Microscope measurements

Important dates:

May 5th, 2007: One page abstract submission deadline
May 20th, 2007: Notification of acceptance of presentations
June 30th, 2007: Early registration deadline


The symposium papers will be published together in the International Journal of Materials Research.
The papers will be collected during the conference, reviewed and submitted to the Editor.

Register early among the first twenty participants and participate in a prize draw for a free flight at the Air Power Arena ( Please note that abstracts can only be submitted after completing your registration.

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Wednesday, 2025-02-05  07:42