Welcome to the SURFACE Online Shop


In our online shop, you can conveniently build a list of standard items like our LED flange lights and submit a request for quotation online. We will respond shortly per e-mail with a quotation. If you want to place an online order for all or some of the items quoted, just come back to our shop and enter the Web-Id shown in the quotation.

If you cannot find a product in our web shop, but you think it is suitable for an online order, feel free to request an individual quotation in the «Other Items» section.

Payment & Security

Payment is possible by credit card or wire transfer. We accept major credit cards online – MasterCard/EuroCard, Visa. Your credit card data is secure, as we never store or process it ourselves, instead all credit card data handling is done on the secure and certified servers of our credit card processor.

You can find our terms & conditions here.

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Wednesday, 2025-03-12  05:22